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 RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher

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MessageSujet: RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher   RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher Icon_minitimeJeu 28 Juin - 17:18

Alessandra Rhea-Lys Juliet Wilshire
« So many roads. So many detours. So many choices. So many mistakes. »
NOM ϟ Wilshire; PRÉNOMS ϟ Alessandra Rhea-Lys Juliet; SURNOMS ϟ Rere, Lylys, Realist; AGE ϟ 22 ans; DATE ET LIEU DE NAISSANCE ϟ 13 décembre 1989 à Monte Carlo, Monaco; NATIONALITÉ ET ORIGINES ϟ Monégasques, françaises, anglaises et italiennes; SITUATION AMOUREUSE ϟ Célibataire; PROFESSION ϟ Propriétaire de la marque de prêt-à-porter Rock'n'You™️; ORIENTATION SEXUELLE ϟ Hétérosexuelle; PARTICULARITÉ ϟ Elle a un grain de beauté sous l’œil droit; AVATAR ϟ Blake Lively; GROUPE ϟ Les financiers meringués.
PRENOM ϟ Sarah; PSEUDO ϟ Blue Dreams; PAYS ϟ Côte d'Ivoire; COMMENT AS-TU CONNU LE FORUM ϟ Top Site; COMMENT TROUVE-TU LE DESIGN ϟ J'aime bien. Razz; INVENTÉ OU SCENARIO ϟ Inventé; PRÉSENCE SUR LE FORUM ϟ 7j/7; CODE DU RÈGLEMENT ϟ Ok par Harper RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher 2357399559

Dernière édition par A. Rhea-Lys J. Wilshire le Sam 30 Juin - 0:35, édité 7 fois
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MessageSujet: Re: RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher   RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher Icon_minitimeJeu 28 Juin - 17:19

once upon a time ...

L'histoire de votre personnage, à présenter sous la forme que vous désirez en une TRENTAINE DE LIGNES. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed porta condimentum nunc a porta. Maecenas dapibus nibh sit amet felis imperdiet at aliquam lorem gravida. In metus augue, ultrices ut tristique et, pretium ac sem. Vestibulum tincidunt commodo lacus a varius. Vivamus a dictum felis. Aliquam molestie sollicitudin neque, a eleifend eros rutrum et. Aliquam rutrum laoreet dolor vitae volutpat. Phasellus sodales tincidunt purus id fermentum. Etiam vel massa felis, et consectetur ligula. Sed tempor rhoncus lectus at semper. Vivamus a metus et turpis suscipit mollis quis at dui. Cras consectetur vulputate turpis, in ornare neque tincidunt sed. Morbi dapibus luctus urna. Duis et congue quam. Sed sit amet ante justo. Mauris vitae commodo sapien. Sed sagittis mattis urna. Aliquam sit amet nulla a lorem scelerisque vulputate. Pellentesque mattis faucibus lobortis. Phasellus ut purus tellus, ac vulputate leo. Donec luctus, nunc eget tincidunt elementum, nulla ipsum consequat orci, a dignissim nisl lectus id mi. Nullam eros lacus, ultrices eget condimentum non, tempus ac sapien. Aenean nec lorem eget massa viverra porta quis vitae erat. Phasellus eleifend ante non leo blandit ut tincidunt eros pellentesque. Nam dapibus condimentum nisl in commodo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse laoreet commodo facilisis. Cras id orci id nulla volutpat vehicula vitae eget justo. Etiam consequat sapien ac libero viverra adipiscing. Nam mollis, sapien sit amet ullamcorper sagittis, augue magna ornare enim, tempor porttitor ligula eros non augue. Aenean lobortis dolor id massa rutrum pellentesque semper urna volutpat. Cras nec pulvinar est. Duis tristique quam id ligula sodales ornare. Nulla facilisi. In et vehicula lectus. Ut condimentum, leo ut consectetur feugiat, tellus quam consectetur velit, eu iaculis enim mi ac dolor. Aliquam erat elit, pellentesque vel tincidunt id, consequat a neque.

Dernière édition par A. Rhea-Lys J. Wilshire le Jeu 28 Juin - 20:56, édité 1 fois
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MessageSujet: Re: RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher   RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher Icon_minitimeJeu 28 Juin - 17:25

Bienveeeenuuue. I love you
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A. Elijah McKnight

A. Elijah McKnight
Leave no man behind
✖ EN CUISINE DEPUIS LE : 01/06/2012

MessageSujet: Re: RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher   RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher Icon_minitimeJeu 28 Juin - 17:38

Bienv'nue à toi et bon courage pour ta fichette ^^
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et puisqu'on n'atteint pas le cielà moins de s'y brûler les ailes.
Noëlya O. Archibald

Noëlya O. Archibald
et puisqu'on n'atteint pas le ciel
à moins de s'y brûler les ailes.
✖ EN CUISINE DEPUIS LE : 06/05/2012

MessageSujet: Re: RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher   RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher Icon_minitimeJeu 28 Juin - 17:45

BIENVENUUUUE. I love you I love you
Je ne peux que te dire que tu as fais là un excellent choix d'avatar !!! RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher 166564858 RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher 1518395336 RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher 117745182
Il nous faudra un lien. RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher 2472899277
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PANDORA ✝i want to live in my world
P. Lyra-Weverly Fields

P. Lyra-Weverly Fields
i want to live in my world
✖ EN CUISINE DEPUIS LE : 25/04/2012

MessageSujet: Re: RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher   RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher Icon_minitimeJeu 28 Juin - 17:54

BIENVENUE & bon courage pour ta fiche RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher 3691148241
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MessageSujet: Re: RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher   RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher Icon_minitimeJeu 28 Juin - 18:22

Welcouuuume. RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher 2357399559
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isalyne ✇ la perfection existe, j'en suis la preuve..
Isalyne-C. Grimaldi

Isalyne-C. Grimaldi
isalynela perfection existe, j'en suis la preuve..
✖ EN CUISINE DEPUIS LE : 26/04/2012

MessageSujet: Re: RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher   RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher Icon_minitimeJeu 28 Juin - 19:28

Bienvenue I love you Blake est sublime RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher 619667412
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MessageSujet: Re: RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher   RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher Icon_minitimeJeu 28 Juin - 19:32

Blake RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher 2916035490 bienvenue RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher 2357399559
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MessageSujet: Re: RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher   RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher Icon_minitimeJeu 28 Juin - 19:45

Merci beaucoup ! RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher 2916035490
Noëlya » Bien sûr qu'il nous faudra un lien ! :calin1:
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MessageSujet: Re: RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher   RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher Icon_minitimeJeu 28 Juin - 20:01

Bienvenue parmi nous et bonne chance pour ta fiche :danse1:
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Silver Z. Avery-Leeds

Silver Z. Avery-Leeds
✖ EN CUISINE DEPUIS LE : 04/05/2012

MessageSujet: Re: RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher   RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher Icon_minitimeJeu 28 Juin - 20:51

Bienvenue RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher 2357399559 RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher 2357399559
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MessageSujet: Re: RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher   RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher Icon_minitimeJeu 28 Juin - 21:15

Merci ! Razz
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MessageSujet: Re: RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher   RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher Icon_minitimeJeu 28 Juin - 22:14

bienvenuee :HB:
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MessageSujet: Re: RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher   RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher Icon_minitimeJeu 28 Juin - 22:38

Bienvenue et bonne chance pour ta fiche I love you
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MessageSujet: Re: RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher   RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher Icon_minitimeJeu 28 Juin - 23:03

bienvenue. I love you
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MessageSujet: Re: RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher   RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher Icon_minitimeVen 29 Juin - 8:23

Blake RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher 3719426050 RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher 4153354820 RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher 1879637317

Bienvenue et bonne chance pour ta fichounette RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher 2472899277 RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher 2472899277
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parce que Harpeur a pas peur
P. Harper Levinson

P. Harper Levinson
parce que Harpeur a pas peur
✖ EN CUISINE DEPUIS LE : 02/05/2012

MessageSujet: Re: RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher   RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher Icon_minitimeVen 29 Juin - 8:55

BIENVENUUUUE & code validé
Bon courage pour ta fiche RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher 4023418736
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MessageSujet: Re: RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher   RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher Icon_minitimeVen 29 Juin - 9:49

OOOOOH JUMELLE 4. RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher 2472899277 RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher 2472899277
Bienvenue. RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher 1879637317 RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher 2357399559
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MessageSujet: Re: RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher   RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher Icon_minitimeVen 29 Juin - 13:52

Bienvenue parmi nous RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher 2916035490
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MessageSujet: Re: RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher   RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher Icon_minitimeVen 29 Juin - 14:52

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MessageSujet: Re: RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher   RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher Icon_minitimeVen 29 Juin - 15:51

Bienvenue RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher 2357399559
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MessageSujet: Re: RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher   RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher Icon_minitimeVen 29 Juin - 20:06

    Merci beaucoup ! I love you RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher 2472899277
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MessageSujet: Re: RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher   RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher Icon_minitimeVen 29 Juin - 23:07

Bienvenue sur le forum, amuse toi bien parmi nous. :calin1: I love you
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MessageSujet: Re: RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher   RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher Icon_minitimeSam 30 Juin - 18:44

Lively la magniiiifique. RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher 1879637317 RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher 117745182
Bienvenuuue et bonne chance pour ta fiche. I love you
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MessageSujet: Re: RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher   RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher Icon_minitime

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RHEA-LYS ♪ Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher

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