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 RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine

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MessageSujet: Re: RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine   RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 31 Juil - 14:00

yeaah RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 4153354820
pourquoi pas meilleurs amis & compliqué à la limite ? Razz
bon c'est à développer RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 2357399559
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MessageSujet: Re: RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine   RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 31 Juil - 14:14

Oui pourquoi pas Razz
Bien évidement c'est à développer :D
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MessageSujet: Re: RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine   RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 31 Juil - 14:16

Moi je peux ? RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 4153354820 Arrow
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MessageSujet: Re: RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine   RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 31 Juil - 15:52

Svet : faut que j'aille lire ta fiche pour me faire une idée RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 1881463262

Lexie : owiiiiii RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 1879637317 RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 1879637317
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MessageSujet: Re: RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine   RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 31 Juil - 21:08

Je veux :couche4: RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 2472899277
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MessageSujet: Re: RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine   RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 31 Juil - 21:17

avec plaisir RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 1340311200 une idée ?
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MessageSujet: Re: RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine   RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 31 Juil - 21:20

D'accord sans problème :D
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MessageSujet: Re: RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine   RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 1 Aoû - 7:17

FRANSISCO RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 2104563482
je peux ? RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 832459877
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MessageSujet: Re: RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine   RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 1 Aoû - 10:41

Svet : bon j'ai aucune idée de comment ils auraient pu devenir meilleurs amis RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 1881463262 Arrow

Talhula : yeaaah RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 1340311200 une idée ? :)
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MessageSujet: Re: RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine   RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 1 Aoû - 11:25

RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 4276145973
par contre, je suis venue un peu en touriste :mouche:
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MessageSujet: Re: RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine   RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 1 Aoû - 20:41

RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 1881463262 on va réfléchir ensemble alors Razz
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MessageSujet: Re: RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine   RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 2 Aoû - 6:47

Oui RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 1294853530 Mais vu que ton personnage est opposé au miens bah je sais pas en fait Arrow tu veux peut-être sa description ? RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 1294853530
déjà, vu qu'ils sont pas pareil, on fait du néga nope? I love you
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MessageSujet: Re: RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine   RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 2 Aoû - 11:47

j'aime le négatif RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 4153354820
je vais aller voir ta fiche RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 2916035490
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MessageSujet: Re: RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine   RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 2 Aoû - 16:38

Rhett D. Haesting-Scott a écrit:
avec plaisir RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 1340311200 une idée ?
J'viens de lire ta description et nos personnages sont genre faiiiiiits pour s'entendre RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 1881463262 I love you Donc j'verrais bien un lien du genre sex friends - on couche ensemble mais on est aussi amis parce qu'on se comprends sur tout, je ne sais pas si Rhett serait du style à avoir une meilleure amie, bon ils sont pas obligés de toujours se parler de ce qu'ils ressentent voir pas du tout, mais genre ils sont plutôt proches car ils sont arrivés à avoir une complicité au fil du temps.. ça te dirait? RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 3752134363
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MessageSujet: Re: RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine   RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 2 Aoû - 17:11

yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 1340311200 j'adore :love2:
pourquoi pas meilleurs amis oui, ca collerait bien entre eux donc c'est faisable :ha:
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MessageSujet: Re: RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine   RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 2 Aoû - 22:13

Rhett D. Haesting-Scott a écrit:
j'aime le négatif RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 4153354820
je vais aller voir ta fiche RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 2916035490

tu m'aurais demandé une description ça aurait plus rapide mais d'acc RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 1294853530 RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 1881463262
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MessageSujet: Re: RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine   RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 2 Aoû - 23:00

LACHOWSKI :couche4: :couche4: RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 3840389542
Je veux. RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 1294853530
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MessageSujet: Re: RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine   RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 3 Aoû - 7:41

Tal : vu que j'ai pas encore eu le temps d'aller voir ta fiche, je veux bien une petite description :owwww:

3.14/Pi : oui le jeu de mot était tentant RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 166564858 RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 1881463262 RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 4170629200
KIKI BELL I ALSO WANT :ha: une idée ? RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 1340311200
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MessageSujet: Re: RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine   RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 3 Aoû - 16:45

Rhett D. Haesting-Scott a écrit:
yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 1340311200 j'adore :love2:
pourquoi pas meilleurs amis oui, ca collerait bien entre eux donc c'est faisable :ha:
c'est parfait, on fait ça alors RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 366781642 I love you
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MessageSujet: Re: RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine   RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 3 Aoû - 20:46

ca marche, je t'ajoute sous peu RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 3719426050
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MessageSujet: Re: RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine   RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 3 Aoû - 22:15

Rhett D. Haesting-Scott a écrit:

3.14/Pi : oui le jeu de mot était tentant RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 166564858 RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 1881463262 RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 4170629200
KIKI BELL I ALSO WANT :ha: une idée ? RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 1340311200

T'inquiète, on me l'a déjà sortie celle-là. RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 1881463262 RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 1564951935
Non du tout, je sèche. :ROOHH: Ne me déteste pas. RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 619667412 RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 3840389542
& toi t'en as une ? No Sinon au pire, je lis ta fiche et je nous trouve quelque chose. RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 2916035490 Oui je suis un ange. RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 1294853530
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MessageSujet: Re: RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine   RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 4 Aoû - 12:48

RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 1881463262 promis je ne te deteste pas :ROOHH:
bon là je t'avoue que j'ai aucune idée RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 1881463262
du positif-compliqué-bizarre serait cool *_*
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PANDORA ✝i want to live in my world
P. Lyra-Weverly Fields

P. Lyra-Weverly Fields
i want to live in my world
✖ EN CUISINE DEPUIS LE : 25/04/2012

MessageSujet: Re: RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine   RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 4 Aoû - 14:51

Je veux un lien RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 619667412
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MessageSujet: Re: RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine   RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 4 Aoû - 15:50

vouiiii une idée ? RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 2916035490
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PANDORA ✝i want to live in my world
P. Lyra-Weverly Fields

P. Lyra-Weverly Fields
i want to live in my world
✖ EN CUISINE DEPUIS LE : 25/04/2012

MessageSujet: Re: RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine   RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 4 Aoû - 15:53

en fait non RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 1881463262 mais décris moi ton lien avec Noëlya vu que c'est ma jumelle on sait jamais RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 3860099365
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MessageSujet: Re: RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine   RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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RHETT • If you're into Evil, you're a friend of mine

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