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 APPLE ઈ they told me one day, all is forgiven in love, but how to forget an injury unforgivable ?

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MessageSujet: Re: APPLE ઈ they told me one day, all is forgiven in love, but how to forget an injury unforgivable ?   APPLE ઈ they told me one day, all is forgiven in love, but how to forget an injury unforgivable ? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 19 Mai - 12:47

DP mais ton pseudo étant trop long (me manquait un caractère quoi APPLE ઈ they told me one day, all is forgiven in love, but how to forget an injury unforgivable ? - Page 2 1881463262) j'ai dû supprimer le point après "J-T.", dis-moi si ça te va quand même. Wink
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MessageSujet: Re: APPLE ઈ they told me one day, all is forgiven in love, but how to forget an injury unforgivable ?   APPLE ઈ they told me one day, all is forgiven in love, but how to forget an injury unforgivable ? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 19 Mai - 13:06

Oh mince, j'avais complètement oublié le code APPLE ઈ they told me one day, all is forgiven in love, but how to forget an injury unforgivable ? - Page 2 178029134 .
Alors pour le pseudo, je veux bien que tu enlève le J. Que ça soit T. Apple-Silöe Davenport.
Merci beaucoup I love you .
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MessageSujet: Re: APPLE ઈ they told me one day, all is forgiven in love, but how to forget an injury unforgivable ?   APPLE ઈ they told me one day, all is forgiven in love, but how to forget an injury unforgivable ? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 19 Mai - 13:12

J'ai validé ton code et fait le changement. j'aime bien ton histoire même si ne sait pas grand chose d'elle à présent, mais bon, à croire que les Davenport sont abonnés aux jumeaux APPLE ઈ they told me one day, all is forgiven in love, but how to forget an injury unforgivable ? - Page 2 1881463262

BREF, je te valide ! Bon jeu et n'oublie pas de recenser ton avatar dans le bottin. I love you
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MessageSujet: Re: APPLE ઈ they told me one day, all is forgiven in love, but how to forget an injury unforgivable ?   APPLE ઈ they told me one day, all is forgiven in love, but how to forget an injury unforgivable ? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 19 Mai - 13:16

Merci beaucoup I love you .
Oui, je n'ai pas trop parlé de sa vie c'est vrai.
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MessageSujet: Re: APPLE ઈ they told me one day, all is forgiven in love, but how to forget an injury unforgivable ?   APPLE ઈ they told me one day, all is forgiven in love, but how to forget an injury unforgivable ? - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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APPLE ઈ they told me one day, all is forgiven in love, but how to forget an injury unforgivable ?

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